Daddy Day Care: Our Kids Experienced To Be McDo's Kiddie Crew

End of school! And I'm sure kids are yelling it out, "at last it's summer!" Yup, no school for a few months and they'll be sleeping longer hours and more time to watch late night shows. So just give them a few days to enjoy that freedom. I know some of the Moms and Dads have already set up or planned something for the kids.

In case you haven't plan something, here's a summer activity from McDonald where your kids can experience to be one of the crew, the McDo Kiddie Crew.
Last weekend our kids was able to have a tour at McDonald's and experience some of the activities that the Kiddie Crew will do for the summer. They were really cute dressed with the McDonald's shirt, cap and ID. Customers having their breakfast were fascinated with the kids as they greet and say hi to them, especially to our little Gelo who's really cute.

The activity last Saturday was just a teaser for those who want to enroll their kids to be one of McDonald's Kiddie Crew. Some of the activities was the familiarization of the kids to different parts of McDonald's Store, painting and decorating their totes or aprons, and then the best part where kids can make their own Cheese Burger. The kids enjoyed doing this activities, especially the Cheese Burger activity where they can eat it afterwards. Gelo doesn't cheese so he gave to his brother, Maki. One of the best part also was they were able to have a picture with Ronald McDonald.

Kids will definitely enjoy this kind of activities and of course instill to them appreciation plus respect to the all service crews.

We don't have a concrete plans yet for the summer and we're considering this activity for Maki f0this summer. Too bad Gelo is still young he'll definitely enjoy doing the entire program together with his brother, Maki.
So, are we going to see each other soon?

To know more of the details about McDonald's Kiddie Crew activity visit

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