Daddy Day Care : When Kids Got Bored

As I have always done during weekends…. taking care of the kids, bathing them, and of course bond with them. This is my routine whenever my wife is out on the weekends, its Daddy duties!

The routine with the kids are not easy, especially if you don’t do it every day. Since I’m the duty officer every weekend I always got text message from wife reminding me of the things that should be done with the kids. In others if ever she doesn’t call I need to check my phone from time to time, of which I got used to it.

So, whenever I wanted to do my projects as Dad of the house I need to make the kids do their thing. This is to keep them busy and avoid disturbing me. But sometimes their attention span is so short they tend to disrupt me on what I’m doing. In other words they easily got bored of what they are doing, especially the youngest. Ten minutes the longest span of time that he’s behaves and focused on what his doing.

Can you imagine the chaos that it brings when my kids roam around and play around in my work area? Well that’s one of the things they do when they get bored, they run around the house. Worse they disrupt you and get naughty hiding the parts and pieces of what you’re work piece.

Of course I get angry. Who wouldn’t get angry when your kids play around with your project but of course they are kids and they sometimes need attention.

How about you? How were your kids when they got bored?

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